The African Mango Diet Pill

The African Mango Diet PillIt seems like every few months a new miracle weight loss supplement hits the market, the latest being the African Mango Diet Pill. Are these pills really worth it, or are they the newest way to take your money and get your hopes up before leaving you no healthier before you took them? Let us take a look.

What Is It?

The pill derives from a pure mango extract which is grown only in Cameroon. The reason why has different qualities to other types of mango is that it produces unusual seeds known locally as Dikka nuts which produce an extract called Irvingia Gabonensis which is high in fiber.

What Does It Do?

Villagers in the Cameroon bush have been using this extract for centuries for a variety of health benefits. These benefits derive in part from the extremely high fiber content, which is highly effective in removing cholesterol from the body. This in turn has a positive impact on increasing the metabolism, which improves the chances of weight loss. Indeed, the pure African mango extract was originally used by hunters before they set out to give them increased energy and loss of fatigue. These benefits have been compressed into pill form and acts as an effective fat burner and cleanser.


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