First things first, maintain the fastest weight loss diet by figuring out how many calories a day you consume. It is recommended that you eat between 1500-1800 calories a day just to maintain a non-active body (not exercising). If you consume more than this recommended amount, start your diet by cutting down to 1500-1800 calories a day.
Second, figure out how many calories you burn sitting around all day without any exercise. You can take your body weight and multiply it by 12 and that is how much you burn a day without working out. This number should be relatively close to the number of calories you consume in a day. If the number you burn is more than the number you consume, then you are on the right track. But, if the number you burn is less than the number you consume, then you are gaining weight.
one more thing i would like to add that i use for my fitness and exercises. i used to do exercises with the help of iphone apps . i would like to to share it.
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