Here is a new alternative to weight reduction, which encourages the entry proteina.Dijeta was designed by a French expert on nutrition as a way for patients to shed pounds while still keeping a good balance of nutrients. The basic principle of diet plan, a pure protein with less calories, and is likely to reduce appetite and make you full faster. And those who have problems with the diet you can rest assured that diets do not offer some of indulging. Part of a diet plan provides two meals a week, that would not normally fit into the diet to prevent the frustration that often results in diet failure.
Phase 1: in the attack phase
This is a pure phase and the core protein diets: three, five, seven or 10 days (after each goal), your diet plan will consist of foods rich in protein. Beef, skinless chicken, ham weak, fish, seafood, dairy products are consumed. All other foods are strictly prohibited. Weight loss during this phase of the diet plan will be fast.
Phase 2: alternating phase
At this stage you can add protein and vegetables and by changing the diet so that your body is not accustomed to a certain food groups.
It will then alternate phases of pure proteins (PP) and protein + vegetables (PL) to obtain the desired weight (maximum 1 kg per week) as follows:
1 To reduce the weight of less than 22 pounds, you will alternate three days with lean protein and three days of protein plus vegetables.
2 For weight loss greater than 22 pounds, you will rotate between the five days of pure protein, and 5 days of protein plus vegetables.
Phase 3: Consolidation phase
This is really about strengthening their final results to gradually return to normal diet ponašanje.Izazov usually steer clear rebound effect |, ie, doubling in weight after a period of dieting. You will be able to generally eat protein and vegetables approved in previous stages, but you May also be phased in food which had been banned earlier. During this period depends on the number of pounds lost:. 10 days for every pound lost
Phase 4: Phase - Stabilization
As its name suggests, it truly is the weight stabilizacije.Režim requires only two guidelines:
1.One day of the week, proteins, or on Thursday.
2.3 tablespoons of oat bran a day of soluble fiber intake.
the duration of this phase? ... To Life!
Meat and eggs that could be used in the first part of the method, boost the risk of cholesterol, for this reason it is far better to not eat egg yolks and decide on the fish than meat. Phase 1 becomes very low in fiber, constipation danger is real danger, if you have questions, consider taking a laxative the night. As with any diet, the risk of mineral deficiencies do not exist. It is advisable to ask your doctor in case you need to take any further vitamin and mineral supplements as part of their diet. At the very least it is advised that if you do not already daily multivitamin, which should start taking one.
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