What is a protein diet plan and why do we need that? It is common knowledge that protein is the keystone for muscle development. After each muscle contraction millions of muscle cells are being destroyed. Nevertheless, this is something you shouldn't worry about. A regeneration process commences almost immediately, resulting multiplication of the muscle cells which leads ultimately to muscle growth.
To achieve maximum development you need to train properly, I assume you do that, rest after each workout and the most important make sure that you provide your body with enough protein. Failing on any of these factors, will limit your muscle growth up to a certain point. The question is how much protein should you intake daily? That is why you need a protein diet plan. The human body can metabolize a maximum amount of 30 to 35 grams of protein every 2 to 3 hours. If the protein is being outsourced from solid food then a minimum of 3 hours is required. If the source is your protein shake then 2 hours are enough. Multiplying your body weight with 2, will give you the amount of protein in grams you need in a daily basis to achieve maximum muscle growth. So, the purpose of a protein diet plan is to help you divide your meals so nothing goes to waste and you benefit from your daily nutrition, whether it is in the form of solid food or as a protein supplement.
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